VynamicTM Security

Unparalelled protection for your entire Self-Service fleet

Ensure round the clock protection for your people, data, and assets !

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Vynamic Security - Product Features

All over the world, ATMs are seen as easy targets by cyber-criminals, hackers and thieves.

ATM Logical Attacks

Increase in logical and malware attacks on ATMs in last 4 years
0 %

Source: European Association for Source Transaction 2021


Banks globally reported ransomware attacks in 2021
0 %

Source: Reuters 2021

Cyber Threats

Increase in cyber attacks in the last decade
0 %

Source: IMF 2020

Insider Threats

Of companies surveyed reported an insider attack in the past year
0 %
Source: Bitglass 2020

Providing 360° Security, 365 Days a Year

VynamicTM Security Suite provides a tightly integrated, multilayered approach to protect self-service terminals, POS devices, operating systems and customer data against known and unknown attack methods including ransomware. The model ensures that if one security layer could be overcome, others will take over to shield and secure an organization’s critical assets

VsTMSecurity Intrusion Protection

Delivers complete protection against known and unknown (zero-day) attacks

VsTM Security Access Protection

Safeguard self-service systems by controlling user access

VsTM Security Hard Disk Encryption

Safeguard sensitive customer and organizational data

Specially designed to empower you

Learn more about our solutions that help protect and empower your brand with end to end security